5 Must-Haves for Electronic Batch Records

Eliminate unnecessary manufacturing costs

The money and time spent on inefficient manufacturing processes cuts into your budget and prevents you from meeting your production goals. With minimal disruption, modern EBR software can reduce all your batch management processes by 50%. Get the industry brief “5 Must-Haves for Electronic Batch Records” for expert advice on choosing the right EBR software. You will learn: 

  • Five Key EBR features that optimise your manufacturing.
  • How EBRs eliminate waste and scrap.
  • Strategies for more resource and production visibility.
  • How EBRs can reduce data input errors by 90%-100%.

EBRs: Critical to Manufacturing Excellence

Errors, data integrity risks, missing entries, etc. that frequently occur on paper batch records delay production and drive up costs — which is a risky way to operate in a highly competitive market. Electronic batch record (EBR) software eliminates errors, which keeps your costs down. 

Why You Need EBR Software Now


Fast Transition to Better Efficiency

A perceived obstacle to deploying EBR software is it’s too costly and time-consuming. A modern digital manufacturing solution takes as few as 90 days to implement, configure, and digitise all your product lines, which sets you up for flawless production.


Seamless Growth and Scalability

It’s imperative that your manufacturing operation can evolve as needed. A modern lightweight digital manufacturing solution can quickly scale up and out across production lines and sites to meet the demand of changing environments, batch sizes, and markets.


Reduce Waste and Scrap

In general, companies that rely on manual processes can waste up to $20,000 a week on inefficient processes, waste, and scrap, which can add up to tens of millions in spending with no returns. EBR software eliminates costly errors and waste.


Boost Performance KPIs

Productivity is key to staying relevant and competitive. Using EBR software eliminates the need to devote resources to time-intensive production paperwork, batch tracking, and batch record reviews.

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