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6 Must-Haves for a Quality Management System (QMS)

6 Must-Haves for a Quality Management System (QMS)

There are a lot of electronic quality management systems (eQMS) on the market. How do you decide which is best for your business? MasterControl’s industry-leading eQMS meets the 6 critical requirements for a quality system.

In this brief, you’ll learn:

  • The 6 characteristics of an effective QMS and why they’re vital
  • Real-world results of using such a QMS, such as reducing software validation to 45 minutes
  • The features to keep you compliant and improve your business.
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Quality Management System FAQs


What are the benefits of an integrated quality management system?

Manually reentering data introduces human error. An integrated QMS reduces errors and ensures quality throughout the organisation. Any changes are immediately communicated to the entire company.


How do I implement an integrated QMS?

Implementation isn’t something you have to go through alone. Your vendor should help you through the process. They can also provide tools to help you integrate your QMS with other systems.


How do I measure the effectiveness of a quality management system?

This depends on the key performance indicators (KPIs) your business tracks. These might be based on quality events, audit findings, etc. A QMS should provide tools to view your important KPIs.


What are the different components of an integrated QMS?

An integrated QMS has everything you need for quality management, including audit, training, documents, and quality event management. It can also connect to other departments, such as manufacturing.

Find out what an integrated QMS can do for you.

Get a look at what 6 things you need in your QMS and why they’re so beneficial.

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